Here's the 2nd Question:
"Nobody calls me wog, anymore", by Komninos Zervos, highlights the struggle the persona had to overcome certain boundaries in his life.
Describe the particular boundaries the persona had to fight against all his life and use examples from the text that illustrate his current attitude and how he now feels. Consider examples that highlight his "tone" of voice.
You may wish to read some background information on the poet:
Some of the boundaries Komninos faced was discrimination,where he was called a wog and laughed at and some of the kids even called him Kevin.
ReplyDeleteNobody believed Komninos that he was born in Australia,in the poem he said he had to assert his idenity and say"hey"
"look at me"
and whether anyone likes or not his is one of us.
Komninos sound aggitated in this poem,the way its worded and how the sentences are short and quick,its like he has a point so he is going to get it across.
The persona had to face lots of different boundaries in his life. The persona had to face people calling him a wog, because he had a strange name and he didn't look like an average Australian. But Komninos was born in Australia.
ReplyDeleteHe also had to face people asking about his name, they were asking where it was from and what it meant. "yes, that's right, it's a greek name. yes, that's right, there's no english translation. yes, that's right, it's my first name. yes, that's right, it is rather unusual but that's my name and i guess australia, we're stuck with it!" People even called him Kevin.
The persona's tone of voice sounds like he is angry and annoyed at what people were saying about him.
The persona has had to fight different boundaries in his life. Like by being called a wog and being called kevin which wasn't his real name, like it says in the poem 'me wog mate kevin'.
ReplyDeleteHe is now an australian writer and is the same as all of us. He has a job, a wife and kids and he also pays normal bills.
In the poem he is a bit angry that he has had to go through is as a child but he is now happy that no ones calls him a wog anymore and is now a respected Australian. No matter what his name is or what he looks like.
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ReplyDeleteSome of the bounderies that he faced were:raceism,discrimination he was laughed at and bullied and people called him kevin.
ReplyDeletekominos sounded angry in the poem and his versees are quick.
In the poem "nobody calls me a wog, Anymore", Kimninos faces many boundaries.
ReplyDeleteKimninos is faced with many different boundaries. An example of this is how all of his mates call him kevin, and also how his mates reffered to him as their wog mate.
Komninos is an australian with a greek background. when he was young he got called a wog and he got teased for being a wog and got told to go back to his country. but komninos was born in richmond melbourne.
ReplyDeleteIn his poem he tells his readers that he is australain and no one believs him. He has to yell out and tell people that he is a ridgey didge dinkie die tru blu.
He is now ok with it no that every one understands him cause he is now well none to evryone and he knows that he dosnt like being called a wog. After all he is not a wog he is an Australain
Some of the Boundaries the Persona faced was the picking on and the name calling , at the putdowns in his child hood.
ReplyDeleteHe was picked on in his child hood because of his name "Komninos Zervos "a greek name.All tho he was an Astralian , but tho all the children didnt think that because he had a strange name.
In the poersona's poem he has short and quick sentances. he is trying to get a point across.The sentances sound like ghe is angry and upset about what happened in his child hood
Komninos Zervos tells a story about his life and how he was discriminated against even though he was born in Australia.People were still saying that he was a wog and to go back to where he come from all because he was different. All his life he has stood up to him self and proved that he is an ozzie too…
ReplyDeleteKomninos sound aggitated in his poems which makes it sound like that he is getting a message across. This man is now an australian writer and who is no different than us.
People have been raciest to Komnios, like being called a "wog" and told him "to get to his own conrty". Infact this is his country, he is one of us not a person that can be removed form this land.He is australian and proud to be one.
ReplyDeleteThe poem is like he is talking to a group. Maybe he is talking to as all of australia. when I read the title "Nobody calls me wog, anymore". That comma made a complete diffrence to the story. If it was just nobody calls me a wog, it shows a strong man that isnt affraid to bash anyone who calls him a wog. In this case he is a man who express him self as a writer,
All the way through the poem he does, such as"i'm an ozzie too just like you fair dinkum ridge a dinky die true blue" everyone should at least read one of his poems
komninos had to face lots of boundaries in his life.
ReplyDeletewhen he was a kid he got called a wog then he got older and no one called him a wog anymore.
komninous goes around to different school and tells kids about the boundaries he has faced
In the poem some of the boundaries Komninos faced were when, nobody believed that he was born in Australia, people not believing his name.
ReplyDeleteKomninos had to put up with people asking him, where he was from, being picked on as a kid. He had to assert his self as an Austrialian, and as a Artist.
In the poen he answers the questions that he always faced "Yes, that's right, it's a greek name". "Yes, that's right, there's no english translation. "Yes, that's right, it's my first name.
The particular boundaries the persona had to fight discrimination, He used to be called wog and Kevin and his friends used to introduce him as this is 'me wog mate kevin. He was born in australia but nobody believed him. He used to have a bit of trouble trying to tell everyone his name. He used to be angry with everyone calling him names, but now he is happy because he gets treated the same as everyone else does.
ReplyDeleteHe doesnt get singled out and picked on by anyone anymore, even his friends have stopped. Now he likes what he gets called, everyone respects him and calls him the austThe particular boundaries the persona had to fight discrimination, He used to be called wog and Kevin and his friends used to introduce him as this is 'me wog mate kevin. He was born in australia but nobody believed him. He used to have a bit of trpouble trying to tell everyone his name. He used to be angry with everyone calling him names, but now he is happy because he gets treated the same as everyone else does.
He doesnt get singled out and picked on by anyone anymore, even his friends have stopped. Now he likes what he gets called, everyone respects him and calls him the australian poet, komninos. Where all the excliamation marks are is where he has change the tone of his voice. Just like where he says 'and i said, australia, hey!' 'You can call me komninos!' "yea thats right!' thats one of the many parts where he changes the tone of his voice. the tone of his voice. Just like where he says 'and i said, australia, hey!' 'You can call me komninos!' "yea thats right!' thats one of the many parts where he changes the tone of his voice.
In ‘Nobody Calls Me a Wog, Anymore.’, Some boundaries he faced are being called a ‘wog’ and being put down. He didn’t get treated the same like every one because of his nationality.
ReplyDeleteNow that he’s grown up and ‘asserted’ himself he feels much better and enjoys living here and Australia (‘hey Australia, I like you lots’). He explains how it didn’t just happen he had to ‘say. “Hey!, Aus tra li a!, look at me, weather you like it or not, I’m one of you!”.
In this poem, the persona sounds very aggravated and frustrated because of how he was treated. He was born Australian but got treated differently from the rest which is why he got frustrated. Now that he’s grown up, and he has a job and does the same stuff as everybody else, he’s happy, and not many people treat him different.
In the poen "nobody calls me a wog anymore."the man faces many boundaries.he is called a wog for most of his life.He faces boundaries of racism and discrimination.
ReplyDeleteBeing called a wog was a boundary because people treated him different because they didnt see him as an austrlian.His boundaries were big but he slwly over come them.
komninos faced alot of boundaries in his child hood. They all laughed and called him a wog at school.
ReplyDeletekomninous goes to all differnet schools in the country telling them what boundaries he had faced as a child. He says it is wrong to call people names such as a wog.
Now komninous is in the work force and nobody calls him a wog no more because people have grown up and see that is is a really hurtfull name.
The person have a rough time in australian, he also say; " Nobody call me a wog anymore", by kmninos Zervos, highlight by he struggles of persona had to overcome certain boundaries in his life.
ReplyDeletepart of the boundaries of he persona life to fight against all his life.
Some of the bad thing happines to him by hime be bullying and people call him a "bog" and he was get upset about all the bullying's.
The persona had a rough time in australia Constricted by boundaries, everyone questioned his name and he had to shout it out, "yes its greek yes there is no english version"
ReplyDeletebut as time went by people accepted it and now people don't call him a wog anymore.
Some of the bad things that happened to him they were racist, discriminate and bullys, people didn't use his name they call him kevin, so when he wrote this free verse poem in angerabout those people.
The persona has had to face many different boundaries in his life. Komninos has been continually told to go back to his own country, but as he states in this poem he was born and raised in Australia. (whether you like it or not, I am one of you.)
ReplyDeleteHis name has also caused a lot of trouble with the people around him calling him ‘’me wog mate Kevin’’ which is not in-fact his real name.
Komninos is now a respected Australian writer, performer, entertainer with a wife and two children. He lives like any one of us. ‘’I write, I read, I entertain, I perform for a living. A full time writer, a poet with a mortgage and a wife, and kids. Just like you’’.
His verses are short and quick and when reading the poem it gives off a fair bit of annoyance and anger.
The persona in “Nobody calls me a wog, anymore” has to face particular boundaries in his life that no one should. Komninos has been teased ever since he started school, people laughed and picked on him just because his NAME was different instead of Komninos they said “me wog mate Kevin” Kevin isn’t his name and it wasn’t necessary to say wog.
ReplyDeleteKomninos expresses his anger and frustration in this poem “Australia hey!” ‘you can call me Komninos!’ that’s right K.O.M.N.I.N.O.S.” he also explains that he was told a number of times to go back to his own country, but in fact was born here.
He also expresses his anger on this subject by saying ‘yes, that’s right, it’s a Greek name yes, that’s right there’s no English translation’ he also says “that’s my name and I guess we are stuck with it!” Komninos says he is “just like you, I’m an ozzie too”
This poem is in free verse and as soon as you start reading it you can feel the anger and rage Komninos has had to life for all his life until know “hey Australia I like you lots”
komninos might be a greek name but he is a true blue ozzie. he gets lots of words that discrimminate him and he is over it. he gets bills like us and he does the same thing as us.
ReplyDeleteso come on australia be a good person to him and give him a vb beer.
komninos was the best poem ever i heard yes go Australia